Mass Times

Saturday: 4:30pm - in English
Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:00am - in English
& 12:30pm - in Spanish

Mon, Wed, Thu & Fri: 8:00am - English
Tuesday: 6:00pm - English
Wednesday: 6:00pm - Spanish

Tuesday: 5:00-5:30pm
Wednesday: 5:00-5:30pm
Saturday: 3:00-4:00pm
or by appointment

Office Hours

The Parish Office (Door #12) is open
8:00am to 4:30pm, Monday - Friday

Our Mission

Holy Rosary Catholic Church is a faith community of disciples of Jesus Christ. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we seek to know, love and serve God on our pilgrim journey to the kingdom of heaven.  Learn more...

Holy Rosary Catholic Church es una comunidad de fe de discípulos de Jesucristo. Guiados por el Espíritu Santo, buscamos conocer, amar y servir a Dios en nuestro viaje peregrino al reino de los cielos. Aprende más...

Pray for Peace in the Holy Land

Pope Francis is asking all Christians toPrayer4Peace
put themselves "...at the service of humanity"
on October 7th by
praying and fasting for peace
in the Holy Land and around the world.

Read more here

Join us, Holy Rosary family!

Pastor's Column

Dear friends,
This weekend, Holy Rosary Parish will be kicking off the Catholic Ministries Appeal, the means by which we fund our share of the diocesan operating budget. Over the past 10 to 15 years our diocese has done a very good job developing endowments to fund many aspects of the operating budget. Additionally, the overall budget will only increase one percent this year. Our share of that budget is just short of $300,000. Registered members of the parish should have received a letter from me this past week encouraging your generous participation in this campaign. Your support will help fund a multitude of ministries offered by our diocese. We exceeded our goal last year, and I am confident that, with your support, we will do so again. It would be a great help for me if you would promptly return your pledge card. Every little bit can make a difference. Many thanks for your prayerful consideration and support.
Christ’s peace,
Fr. Bernie

Queridos amigos,
Este fin de semana, la Parroquia de Holy Rosary iniciará la Campaña de los Ministerios Católicos, el medio por el cual financiamos nuestra parte del presupuesto operativo diocesano. Durante los últimos 10 a 15 años nuestra diócesis ha hecho un gran trabajo desarrollando donaciones para financiar muchos aspectos del presupuesto operativo. Además, el presupuesto general sólo aumentará un uno por ciento este año. Nuestra parte de ese presupuesto apenas llega a los 300.000 dólares. Los miembros registrados de la parroquia deberían haber recibido una carta mía la semana pasada alentando su generosa participación en esta campaña. Su apoyo ayudará a financiar una multitud de ministerios ofrecidos por nuestra diócesis. El año pasado superamos nuestra meta y estoy seguro de que con su apoyo lo lograremos nuevamente. Sería de gran ayuda para mí, si pudieran devolver rápidamente su tarjeta de compromiso. Cada pequeña donación puede marcar la diferencia. Muchas gracias por su consideración y apoyo en oración.
La paz de Cristo,
P. Bernie

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Bulletins in English & Spanish

Holy Rosary bulletin in English
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Spanish bulletins - Holy Rosary

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Elements of the Catholic Mass

Holy Rosary App

App Store - WeConnect Parish App WeConnect Parish app - Google Play Store - Holy Rosary

La Misa Explicada

"Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do." -Pope John XXIII